About this Website


A number of elements have gone into the design and development of this website.

     The image on the home page, often called “the Flammarion engraving,” first appears in L’atmosphère: météorologie populaire / The Atmosphere: Popular Meteorology (1888, p. 163) by Camille Flammarion. Sometimes also called “the spiritual pilgrim,” this image is often erroneously believed to be medieval woodcut. The caption which accompanies the full engraving in Flammarion’s text reads, “Un missionnaire du moyen âge raconte qu’il avait trouvé le point où le ciel et la Terre se touchent …” [A medieval missionary recounts how he finds the point where heaven and Earth touch…] This image of a pilgrim piercing the cosmos is commonly interpreted as symbolizing the quest for knowledge or enlightenment, whether scientific or spiritual. Such interpretive multivalence makes it an ideal emblem for the unification of scholarship and imagination. (For more information, read about it on Wikipedia. The digital image source is the Library of Congress.)

     The title and headings font for this website use IM Fell English and IM Fell English SC, designed by Igino Marini (whose website is down as of 7/17/24). The suite of Fell revival fonts is named after the seventeenth-century bishop and typographer John Fell.

     The body is in Cardo, designed by David Perry. Cardo is based on the work of the Renaissance printer Aldus Manutius, and was “specifically designed for the needs of classicists, Biblical scholars, medievalists, and linguists.” 

     This website is maintained via WordPress on DreamHost . It was built with BoldGrid using the Swifty theme. Much assistance and counsel came from BK at Puny Mortal.